Why Freestylers Need to be Rallying, Too
Here are just a few reasons Freestylers should seriously consider adding Rally-FrEe to their repertoire!
1. They Go Together! (Like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong)
Rally-FrEe was specifically developed to give structure to freestyle training while improving the skill and precision of Freestyle teams. The Rally FrEe levels match up with the behaviors we would expect to see in the corresponding Freestyle level. (For example, we’d expect to see the behaviors from Rally FrEe Novice signs in Freestyle Newcomer, Entry and Novice routines.) At each level, once you’ve mastered the Rally-FrEe behaviors, you’re well-prepared to include them in your Freestyle routine! Now wasn’t that easier?
2. Precise, Beautiful Behaviors!
If you’re a Freestyler, you want clean, precise, beautiful behaviors! Rally-FrEe helps you focus on individual moves and small sequences. Breaking things down allows you to really fine-tune your dog’s performance.
3. More Fun, Less Stress!
You know how “lumpy” training can stress our dogs out and even make them less successful? Well, it can stress us out, too! Taking on too much at once can squish our motivation to train.
Just like “splitting” training for your dog, training in Rally-FrEe is splitting, for humans! You don’t have the pressure of completing a routine all at once, or worrying about choreography or staying in time with the music. Focus on the skills first, then add in the rest!
4. Be Better Prepared for those “Oh no!” Freestyle Moments!
Many of the signs in Rally-FrEe Novice class help teach you and your dog how to move in and out of behaviors fluidly and fluently. If you’re in the middle of a Freestyle routine and suddenly your dog is *not* where you expected him to be, you can save your routine by knowing the “into…position” and “transition” signs! (Heck, the judges might not even notice he was out of place.) Imagine keeping your confidence when this happens in your routine!
5. Prepare for Success in Live Competitions
Rally-FrEe Skills Tests are a great way to prep for success whether in live or video competitions. You can find out if your behaviors are ready to go to trial! You’ll get feedback from the same judges who judge live and video events. They’ll guide you as to where your behaviors are looking tip-top, and where you might still want to build some precision and accuracy. This is another confidence-booster for you and your dog!
Have a Taste by Trying a Mini-Course!