When dog sports people tell you they’ve been involved in a sport for 15 years or more, chances are good that they’ve competed- or at least trained- more than one dog in the sport. Carrol Haines and I became friends in 2006 when her partner was a miniature poodle. That may surprise some because although Carrol doesn’t share her performances on Facebook very often, seeing her and her Australian Shepherd Carlee dance even once sticks with you.
Their engrossing performances helped earn Carrol the 2021 Storyteller’s Award honoring Michele Pouliot and the coveted Trifecta Title held by only 5 other RFE teams. But it’s Carrol’s breadth of experience that make her such an asset to RFE as a judge. Read on to learn more about Carrol. And, if you haven’t seen Carrol and Carlee perform before, you’re in for a treat!
Meet Judge Carrol Haines
“I took a freestyle class from Julie in 2006 where I did a not very good, but loads of fun team routine; a terrible singles routine and . . . the rest is history.”
– Carrol Haines, Trifecta Title holder, 2021 Storyteller Award winner,
Rally-FrEe and Musical Freestyle Judge
A common thread amongst RFE judges is that they want others to have the chance to benefit from Freestyle and Rally-FrEe the same way they did. Carrol puts it this way, “I’ve had many opportunities to compete in MF and RF and that’s because of a few dedicated individuals who judged us. Judging seemed like a great way to give back to the sport and give others the opportunity to compete. No judges, no competitions!”
When you’ve experienced the positive difference training dogs for Rally-FrEe and freestyle can make in a shy or challenging pup’s everyday life, you want that for others. “Katie Mae, my terrier mix, needed a job. I got started in agility and discovered I/she needed obedience to have success. Then I met Julie Flanery at the Mixed Breed Dog Club of Oregon in 2006, attended her freestyle workshop, and took a class. We did a “not very good, but loads of fun” team routine, did a terrible singles routine, became friends with Julie and the rest is history,” Carrol chuckles.
She says although she enjoys music, she has no dance experience. “But I love the combination of moving with and training a dog to music that is Musical Freestyle,” says Carrol. “I never thought I’d dress in costume, but lo and behold I struggled my way to a Freestyle Championship with that very vocal, whirling dervish of a dog!”